02/25/2025 15:42:56

MSDK V5 's interface for cancelling the channel's token authorization (Apple)

I. Interface for cancelling the channel's token authorization (Apple)

According to Apple's latest notice, the requirements of the rule, that is, "APPs that support account creation must provide account deletion capabilities", will be implemented from June 30, 2022 on.
Among the requirements:
If your App uses "Sign in with Apple", you needs to use the REST API of "Sign in with Apple" to revoke the user token when deleting a account.

For games which have accessed the login service of MSDK, this interface implements the "Apple revoke REST API" functionality.
Domestic Games that have accessed the account cancellation function of GACC don't need to use this interface. But overseas games which have accessed the "Sign in with Apple" function of MSDK or games which have implemented the account cancellation function by themselves need to access this interface.

1.1 Interface name


1.2 Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
openid string [Required] MSDK's openid, i.e. the unique identifier (gopenid) of the unified account
token string [Optional] MSDK's token, which is issued by MSDK Login service. It is not currently used. If conditions permit, try to fill in it

1.3 Return parameters

Parameter Type Description
ret int 0: success, others: failure
msg string Detailed description of the return result
seq string Request sequence number

1.4 Request example


        curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://hktest.itop.qq.com/v2/auth/revoke_channel_token?channelid=15&conn=&gameid=11&os=1&seq=&source=0&ts=1655279592&version=2.0&sig=0e02f1246111ce1f9e86d64d3042cd9b' -d '{"openid":"2222857910721544995","token":"abc5937c2ee8a537f8e567e4b05340093ca2b9a2"}'


      "ret": 0,
      "msg": "success",

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