10/22/2024 16:10:39


I. Free-traffic service query

1.1 Interface name


1.2 Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
openid string [Required] MSDK's openid, that is GOpenID
token string [Required] MSDK token (domestic QQ or WeChat MSDK token = QQ or WeChat token)

1.3 Return parameters

The returned Json contains an object whose key is freeflow_info.
freeflow_info parameter description

Parameter Description
is_free 1: free traffic, 0: not free
cc_type 1: China Unicom, 2: China Telecom, 3: China Mobile, 99: Others
ip_all All free-traffic IP list
ip_cn_unicom China Unicom's free-traffic IP list
ip_cn_telecom China Telecom's free-traffic IP list
ip_cn_mobile China Mobile's free-traffic IP list
ip_other Free IP list of other carriers

IP list format description

  • The IP here may also be a domain name
  • If the same IP has multiple ports and these ports are consecutive segments, this is expressed as ip: minimum port-maximum port
  • If the same IP has multiple ports but the ports are not continuous, the multiple ports are separated by commas, ip: port1, port2 ...
  • If the same IP has multiple port segments, multiple port segments are also separated by commas, ip: minimum port 1-maximum port 1, minimum port 2-maximum port 2, ...
  • The demo is as follows:,180,1000-2000,12345-22345;telecom.mianliu.itop.qq.com;
  • Full response demo
      "ret": 0,
      "msg": "success",
      "ip_all": ";mianliu.itop.qq.com;,10001-20000", 
      "ip_cn_unicom": "",
      "ip_cn_telecom": ";telecom.mianliu.itop.qq.com;",
      "ip_cn_mobile": "",
      "ip_other": "",
      "is_free": 1,
      "cc_type": 1

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