10/22/2024 16:10:39


I. Access to the mail service

The current MSDK mail service uses the Tencent Cloud platform mail service. The game needs to go to Tencent Cloud to configure information first. Refer to Tencent Cloud Mail Push Access Guide;


The business needs to focus on the existence of the warmup mechanism in the mail service. Warmup is a necessary process for each new sending domain or IP. The amount of mail sent must be increased day by day, and it cannot reach the ideal level in one step. For details, please refer to Tencent Cloud Mail Service Access Guide.

After completing the Tencent Cloud access application process, the game needs to provide the following information to MSDK

1、Sender, sender account, sender's corresponding token
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2、Email template content
currently supports configuring different email templates according to different scenarios:

1) Default template
Function: When other templates are not configured or cannot be found, the template will be used by default.
Example: The default template default.tpl

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2) Multi-language function template
If you have multi-language requirements, you need to provide the corresponding language template. Supports configuring templates according to scenarios. The configuration process is divided into: registration, password modification, login, and account modification templates. The game can choose different templates according to scenarios, and can also choose to use a unified template.
registration template en_US-3-xxxx-0.tpl

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password modification template en_US-3-xxxx-1.tpl

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login template en_US-3-xxxx-2.tpl

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account modification template en_US-3-xxxx-3.tpl

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3) Mail style
The game can choose to use MSDK's default style, and only need to provide the text email content. IBG can also support styles defined by the game itself. If the game wants to define styles by itself, it needs to contact the front-end to reconstruct the design style and provide a tpl format file.

MSDK's default style example:

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II. Access to SMS service

The current SMS uses Tencent Cloud SMS platform. The game needs to apply for access to the SMS service on the Tencent Cloud SMS platform, Process introduction.

Step 1: Register a Tencent Cloud account
Step 2: Apply for access to SMS service (SMS console)
Step 3: Configure SMS content, create signature, and create the body template
Step 4: Wait for review
Step 5: Send SMS, and check the result of SMS delivery

For details, please refer to: Tencent Cloud SMS Access Guide.

1.The upper limit of the total amount of domestic/international SMS sent in a single day is defaulted by Tencent Cloud as 1,000 pieces sent by an app in a single day. You can contact Tencent Cloud SMS contact persons to adjust the upper limit.
2.For the convenience of daily problem localization and troubleshooting, please contact MSDK Assistant to add MSDK operation and maintenance in case of SMS delivery limit excess and frequency limit alarms.

After completing Step 4 of Tencent Cloud SMS access application process and passing the review, you need to provide the following information to MSDK

1、App information: SDK APPID, APP KEY

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2、SMS signature content and text template id. The game needs to pay attention to the following points:

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1) Send domestic and international SMS, You need to configure a SMS template separately for domestic SMS and international/Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan SMS, and provide the corresponding signature content and template id.

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2) If you want to support multiple languages, You need to configure a SMS template separately for international/Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan SMS, and provide the corresponding signature content and template id.

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3) If you want to distinguish scenes (registration /password modification / login/ account modification), You need to configure the SMS template separately in domestic SMS and international/Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan SMS, and provide corresponding signature content and template id.

Example: (Remarks: {1} is the verification code passed in; {2} is the valid time of the verification code, which will be automatically filled in by MSDK backend through the game configuration rules)

  • Registration template
    {1} is your registration verification code. Please fill in it within {2} seconds. If this operation is not made by yourself, please ignore the SMS.
  • Password modification template
    {1} is your password modification verification code. Please fill in it within {2} seconds. If this operation is not made by yourself, please ignore the SMS.
  • Login template with verification code
    {1} is your login verification code. Please fill in it within {2} seconds. If this operation is not made by yourself, please ignore the SMS.
  • User attribute modification template
    {1} is your account modification verification code. Please fill in it within {2} seconds. If this operation is not made by yourself, please ignore the SMS.

III. Restrictive rules and validity period configuration of mail and SMS

1.Restrictive rules
1) The number of password errors is limited in case of login, such as x times in x seconds (for example: 60s/5 times; no limit by default)
2) The interval for sending the verification code by a single mailbox, defaulted as 60s/1 time (configurable; if needing configuration, provide the x seconds/x times rule)
3) The interval for sending the verification code by a single mobile phone, defaulted as 60s/1 time (configurable; if needing configuration, provide the x seconds/x times rule)

2.Validity period configuration
1) Validity period of token, 30 days by default
2) Validity period of the verification code, 180s by default
3) Length of the verification code, 5 bytes by default

IV. Information configuration of Feiying management terminal

Entrance: Feiying System->My game ->Login information ->Login channel Email&Phone -> Mail/SMS template configuration & business rules

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【Mail configuration information】

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【SMS configuration information】

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【Rules related】If there is a configuration requirement, it will be provided separately; otherwise, the default rule will be used

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1.Restrictive rules
1) The number of password errors is limited in case of login; no limit by default (configurable; such as: 60s/5 times;)
2) The interval for sending the verification code by a single mailbox, defaulted as 60s/1 time (configurable; if you want to adjust this, please indicate your need)
3) The interval for sending the verification code by a single mobile phone, defaulted as 60s/1 time (configurable; if you want to adjust this, please indicate your need)

2.Validity period configuration
1) Validity period of token, 30 days by default
2) Validity period of the verification code, 180s by default
3) Length of the verification code, 5 bytes by default

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