02/25/2025 15:42:56

Query Binding Relations

I. Query Binding Relations [overseas]

1.1 Interface name


1.2 Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
openid string [Required]
token string [Required]

1.3 Return parameters

Parameter Type Description
ret int Return code; 0: correct; others: failed
msg string Detailed description of the return result
bind_list array Detailed description of the return result

Wherein, the bind_list array contains the description object of the binding relationship, containing the following fields:

Parameter Type Description
channelid int Channel number
user_name string user name or nickname
picture_url string Avatar URL address
channel_info object Fields defined by channels themselves include the fields which change with the channels. If an object has no user-defined information, it is an empty object
timestamp int Unix timestamp bound with the account

1.4 Request example

  • Request
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://hktest.itop.qq.com/v2/profile/get_bind_info?channelid=4&gameid=11&os=1&seq=&source=0&ts=1583488081&version=2.0&sig=d0dabe16fb5241bbcd84517aa4e2f670' -d '{"openid":"17059603775778004866","token":"d1b16777eeaf0fd06ab20600a433821cc656c81b"}'
  • Response
    "seq": "1583488081-0268717065-028958-0000000026",
    "bind_list": [
      "channel_info": {
        "phone": "15002097136",
        "phonearea": "86",
        "email": ""
      "picture_url": "",
      "user_name": "86-15002097136",
      "channelid": 11
      "channel_info": {},
      "picture_url": "https://graph.facebook.com/v3.0/1071441666368496/picture?width=160&height=160",
      "user_name": "",
      "channelid": 4
      "channel_info": {
        "phone": "15002097136",
        "phonearea": "86",
        "email": ""
      "picture_url": "",
      "user_name": "86-15002097136",
      "channelid": 7
    "msg": "success",
    "ret": 0

II. Unbind an account

[info] Warning:

1. Please verify the user's identity before calling this interface

2. This interface is only used in the scenario of disconnecting the bound relationship. Do not use it to delete any account. For account deletion, please use the dedicated account deletion interface

3. It is recommended to set multiple pop-up boxes for confirmation or call this interface to execute after a certain remorse period

2.1 Interface name


2.2 Request parameters

Parameter Type Description
openid string [Required] Unified account unique identifier
token string [Required] token
unbind_channelid int [Required] The identifier of the channel to be unbound
uid string [Optional] The user ID of the channel to be unbound. If it is not passed, the background will query the uid of the to-be-unbound channel according to gameid + unbind_channelid + openid, and then unbind it. When used to support binding a single channel with multiple accounts, this parameter must be passed

2.3 Return parameters

Parameter Type Description
ret int Return code 0: successful, others: failed
msg string Detailed description of the returned result

2.4 Request example

  • Request

    curl -sS -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://hktest.itop.qq.com/v2/auth/unbind?channelid=4&conn=&gameid=11&os=1&seq=&source=0&ts=1585629374&version=2.0&sig=59f107afc80b74ae4a38cef7ac2ee5e9' -d '{"openid":"11633715105364962129","token":"f62074edbf2fb285e082c2c9b9b8689339863003","unbind_channelid":4,"uid":"1071441666368496"}' | jq '.'
  • Response

    "seq": "1586243851-0268717065-038830-0002703813",
    "msg": "success",
    "ret": 0

III. Delete an account

[info] Warning:

1. Please verify the user's identity before calling this interface

2. The account cannot be restored after being deleted

3. It is recommended to set multiple pop-up boxes for confirmation or call this interface to execute after a certain remorse period

4. This interface is used to meet the account cancellation demand generated by the internal policy optimization requirements. After it is called, all related data in the MSDK account storage of the gopenid will be cleared.

5. Each channel account (referring to channel accounts such as Facebook, QQ and WeChat, instead of gopenid) is allowed to be deleted for up to 10 times. After being deleted for more than 10 times, the channel account cannot register a new account.

3.1 Interface name


3.2 Request parameter

Parameter Type Description
openid string [Required] Unified account unique identifier

3.3 Return parameters

Parameter Type Description
ret int Return code 0: successful, others: failed
msg string Detailed description of the returned result

3.4 Request example

  • Request

    curl -sS -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://hktest.itop.qq.com/v2/auth/unregister?channelid=4&conn=&gameid=11&os=1&seq=&source=0&ts=1585629374&version=2.0&sig=59f107afc80b74ae4a38cef7ac2ee5e9' -d '{"openid":"11633715105364962129"}' | jq '.'
  • Response

    "seq": "1586243851-0268717065-038830-0002703813",
    "msg": "success",
    "ret": 0

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