10/22/2024 16:10:39

Server-side Channel Development Rules

The MSDK server will send an HTTP (S) POST request to the game's plugin server according to the request:

I. Exchange protocol between the MSDK server and the plugin server

  • Interface protocol: HTTP/HTTPS
  • Request method: POST
  • Request PATH: the address configured in 'Open Platform Channel Creation' according to different channels
  • Request parameters: Each request's Query Parameter carries three parameters: channelid, gameid and os. For the parameters in the request body, please see the specific interface, where
    • channelid is the third-party channel's channel ID defined by the MSDK platform
    • gameid is the game's game ID defined by the MSDK platform
    • os is the request source platform defined by the MSDK platform: 1-Android, 2-iOS, 3-Web, 4-Linux, 5-Windows
  • Parameter verification rules: If the game needs to verify the legitimacy of the request parameters, this can be processed by the following rules
    • Parameter verification field sig, which is a 32-bit MD5 lowercase string
    • sig filling rules: md5(PATH + "?" + QueryParameter + PostBody + SigKey), where SigKey is the app_key of Open Platform Channel Configuration in the Feiying system


POST /auth/login/?channelid=101&gameid=10&os=1&sig=4db5bdf075e280757ef4b0d93ad3aacb HTTP/1.1    
Host: openplatformtest.com    
Content-Type: application/json    
Content-Length: 278    

    "appid": "xxxxx",    
    "channel_info": {    
        "access_token": "EAAGBC9HZB9l4BAEWkk4T3b4d2gZCTrQVFmmtPZA6SoH4VCPO0XKkce47LUaOMMdzuo6q7JWM2RDLjyT1nehQWTTLcwyjyvKxy2AeNzPRTkI9dpBz78s5KOYf8omVMfMzrykdKcnQSYuRJ0zaCyaHJ1ZCeOg5HBnc8XnHwYk5EUp9htCFXw7RbTBVNU0rGxAkurqnnMLZC92N5gTbYF4NOUMZBd2iJDa7dmE6RNOb3gPAZDZD"    

II. sig Calculation Process

Take the login interface as an example:

  • PATH: /auth/login/ (the management console configuration)
  • QueryParameter: channelid=101&gameid=10&os=1
  • PostBody: {"channel_info": {"access_token":"fbtoken"}}
  • SigKey: xxxxx (the management console configuration)
sig = md5(/auth/login/?channelid=101&gameid=10&os=1{"channel_info": {"access_token":"fbtoken"}}xxxxx) = 111019093c60a14e8ec57c21dbe7243c

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