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I. Normal return codes

Return code Return code description Detailed description
0 Succ success
1 Exist exists
2 Not_Exist success
3 Fail failure

II. Common error return codes

Return code Return code description Detailed description
101 InetAtonFail inet_aton fail
102 HttpsClientFail HttpsClient fail
103 ConnNetworkFail connect network fail
104 ConnNetworkTimeout connect network timeout

III. Request parameter related return codes (1000 ~ 1099)

Return code Return code description Detailed description
1000 InvalidHTTP invalid cgi
1001 InvalidCgi invalid cgi
1002 InvalidCmd invalid cmd
1003 UrlLackParm lack parm
1004 HttpBodyNull http body is null
1005 HttpBodyFormatInvalid http body format error
1006 HttpBodyLackParm lack param in http body
1007 InvalidParam invalid parameter
1008 InvalidSig invalid sig
1009 HttpBodyInvalidParm invalid param in body
1010 InvalidRequestFormat invalid req format
1021 InvalidAccountType invalid account type
1022 InvalidAccountID invalid account id
1023 InvalidUID invalid uid
1024 InvalidAccountPlatType invalid account platform type

IV. Internal error related return codes (1100 ~ 1199)

Return code Return code description Detailed description
1100 GetIpFromL5Fail get ip from l5 fail
1101 GetIpFromDnsFail get ip from dns fail
1102 EncodeFail encode fail
1103 CalSigFail cal sig fail
1104 ConfigError internal error
1110 Invalid_InetAddr invalid inet addr
1111 Invalid_JSONString invalid json string
1199 OtherError other error

V. Permission related return codes (1200 ~ 1299)

Return code Return code description Detailed description
1200 NoPermission no permission

VI. Redis storage related return codes (1300 ~ 1399)

Return code Return code description Detailed description
1300 Redis_Timeout conn redis fail
1301 Redis_AuthFail access redis auth fail
1302 Redis_ConnFail conn redis fail !
1303 Redis_InvalidRsp redis unvalid rsp

VII. Other return codes

Return code Return code description Detailed description
2001 AccountNotExists the account does not exists
2002 AccountWrongPassword wrong password
2003 AccountUIDNotExists the account uid not exists
2011 AccountAbnormalStatus the account is in abnormal status
2012 AccountDisabled the account is diabled
2013 AccountStorageDataError invalid account data in the storage
2021 AccountInvalidVerifyCode invalid verify_code
2022 AccountExpiredVerifyCode expired verify_code
2023 AccountChangePasswordFail change password fail
2101 AccountInvalidToken invalid token
2102 AccountTokenExpired expired token
2103 AccountIsNull Account params is NULL
2104 AccountUidIsNull Account uid is NULL
2105 AccountPhoneAreaIsNull Account area_code is NULL
2106 AccountTypeIsNotExist AccountType is NULL
2107 AccountRandSaltIsNull Account RandSalt is NULL
2108 AccountPasswordIsNull Account Password is NULL
2109 AccountSaveUidFail Account save uid is Fail
2110 AccountSaveFail Account saveredis is Fail
2111 AccountIncrErr Account Incr is Err
2112 AccountIsExist Account is Exist
2113 AccountSaveVerifyCodeFail Account Gen Save verify_code Fail
2114 AccountCheckVerifyCodeInvalid invalid verify_code
2115 AccountPushVerifyCodeFail push verifycode Fail
2116 AccountEmailRegexFail Email verify is Fail
2117 AccountEmailFormat Params Email Format is Error
2118 AccountEmailOtherFormat Params Email is other format
2119 AccountVerifyCodeType send_code type params is error
2120 AccountPasswordLen Params password length is error
2121 AccountPasswordFormat Params password Format is error
2122 AccountPasswordOtherFormat Params password is other Format
2123 KeyLimit request limit
2124 IncrKeyLen limit key len is error
2125 AccSetLogoutTimeFail logout is fail from cache
2126 AccountPhoneRegexFail Phone verify is Fail
2127 AccountPhoneFormat Params Phone Format is Error
2128 AccountPhoneOtherFormat Params Phone is other format
2129 AccountSendPhoneCodeNetWork send Phone code network is err
2130 AccountSendPhoneCodeIP32 send Phone code dns is err
2131 SendPhoneRtnHttpCode sendcode http req is fail
2132 SendPhoneReqFmt sendcode http req format is err
2133 InvalidAppidInfo invalid appid info pls check config appidinfo0
2134 AccountInvalidCodeType invalid code_type
2135 AccountInvalidSmsTpl this application SmsTpl config is err
2136 AccountModifyPwdIsSame Password cannot be changed to the same password
2137 AccountPngVerifyCodeFail check PngVerifyCode is Failure
2138 AccountGoogleReCAPTCHAFail check Google reCAPTCHA is Failure
2139 APPDONOTSUPPORTACCPLAT appinfo donot support this account_plat_type
2140 AccountInvalidPlatToken invalid token diff platform
2141 InvalidAppid diff appid token
2142 Same_Account the same account
2143 AccountExists the account exists
2144 AccountChangeReceiveEmailFail change receive email field fail
2145 AccountSendSmsFail send sms is fail

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