02/25/2025 15:42:56
I. Normal return codes
Return code | Return code description | Detailed description |
0 | Succ | success |
1 | Exist | exists |
2 | Not_Exist | success |
3 | Fail | failure |
II. Common error return codes
Return code | Return code description | Detailed description |
101 | InetAtonFail | inet_aton fail |
102 | HttpsClientFail | HttpsClient fail |
103 | ConnNetworkFail | connect network fail |
104 | ConnNetworkTimeout | connect network timeout |
III. Request parameter related return codes (1000 ~ 1099)
Return code | Return code description | Detailed description |
1000 | InvalidHTTP | invalid cgi |
1001 | InvalidCgi | invalid cgi |
1002 | InvalidCmd | invalid cmd |
1003 | UrlLackParm | lack parm |
1004 | HttpBodyNull | http body is null |
1005 | HttpBodyFormatInvalid | http body format error |
1006 | HttpBodyLackParm | lack param in http body |
1007 | InvalidParam | invalid parameter |
1008 | InvalidSig | invalid sig |
1009 | HttpBodyInvalidParm | invalid param in body |
1010 | InvalidRequestFormat | invalid req format |
1021 | InvalidAccountType | invalid account type |
1022 | InvalidAccountID | invalid account id |
1023 | InvalidUID | invalid uid |
1024 | InvalidAccountPlatType | invalid account platform type |
IV. Internal error related return codes (1100 ~ 1199)
Return code | Return code description | Detailed description |
1100 | GetIpFromL5Fail | get ip from l5 fail |
1101 | GetIpFromDnsFail | get ip from dns fail |
1102 | EncodeFail | encode fail |
1103 | CalSigFail | cal sig fail |
1104 | ConfigError | internal error |
1110 | Invalid_InetAddr | invalid inet addr |
1111 | Invalid_JSONString | invalid json string |
1199 | OtherError | other error |
V. Permission related return codes (1200 ~ 1299)
Return code | Return code description | Detailed description |
1200 | NoPermission | no permission |
VI. Redis storage related return codes (1300 ~ 1399)
Return code | Return code description | Detailed description |
1300 | Redis_Timeout | conn redis fail |
1301 | Redis_AuthFail | access redis auth fail |
1302 | Redis_ConnFail | conn redis fail ! |
1303 | Redis_InvalidRsp | redis unvalid rsp |
VII. Other return codes
Return code | Return code description | Detailed description |
2001 | AccountNotExists | the account does not exists |
2002 | AccountWrongPassword | wrong password |
2003 | AccountUIDNotExists | the account uid not exists |
2011 | AccountAbnormalStatus | the account is in abnormal status |
2012 | AccountDisabled | the account is diabled |
2013 | AccountStorageDataError | invalid account data in the storage |
2021 | AccountInvalidVerifyCode | invalid verify_code |
2022 | AccountExpiredVerifyCode | expired verify_code |
2023 | AccountChangePasswordFail | change password fail |
2101 | AccountInvalidToken | invalid token |
2102 | AccountTokenExpired | expired token |
2103 | AccountIsNull | Account params is NULL |
2104 | AccountUidIsNull | Account uid is NULL |
2105 | AccountPhoneAreaIsNull | Account area_code is NULL |
2106 | AccountTypeIsNotExist | AccountType is NULL |
2107 | AccountRandSaltIsNull | Account RandSalt is NULL |
2108 | AccountPasswordIsNull | Account Password is NULL |
2109 | AccountSaveUidFail | Account save uid is Fail |
2110 | AccountSaveFail | Account saveredis is Fail |
2111 | AccountIncrErr | Account Incr is Err |
2112 | AccountIsExist | Account is Exist |
2113 | AccountSaveVerifyCodeFail | Account Gen Save verify_code Fail |
2114 | AccountCheckVerifyCodeInvalid | invalid verify_code |
2115 | AccountPushVerifyCodeFail | push verifycode Fail |
2116 | AccountEmailRegexFail | Email verify is Fail |
2117 | AccountEmailFormat | Params Email Format is Error |
2118 | AccountEmailOtherFormat | Params Email is other format |
2119 | AccountVerifyCodeType | send_code type params is error |
2120 | AccountPasswordLen | Params password length is error |
2121 | AccountPasswordFormat | Params password Format is error |
2122 | AccountPasswordOtherFormat | Params password is other Format |
2123 | KeyLimit | request limit |
2124 | IncrKeyLen | limit key len is error |
2125 | AccSetLogoutTimeFail | logout is fail from cache |
2126 | AccountPhoneRegexFail | Phone verify is Fail |
2127 | AccountPhoneFormat | Params Phone Format is Error |
2128 | AccountPhoneOtherFormat | Params Phone is other format |
2129 | AccountSendPhoneCodeNetWork | send Phone code network is err |
2130 | AccountSendPhoneCodeIP32 | send Phone code dns is err |
2131 | SendPhoneRtnHttpCode | sendcode http req is fail |
2132 | SendPhoneReqFmt | sendcode http req format is err |
2133 | InvalidAppidInfo | invalid appid info pls check config appidinfo0 |
2134 | AccountInvalidCodeType | invalid code_type |
2135 | AccountInvalidSmsTpl | this application SmsTpl config is err |
2136 | AccountModifyPwdIsSame | Password cannot be changed to the same password |
2137 | AccountPngVerifyCodeFail | check PngVerifyCode is Failure |
2138 | AccountGoogleReCAPTCHAFail | check Google reCAPTCHA is Failure |
2139 | APPDONOTSUPPORTACCPLAT | appinfo donot support this account_plat_type |
2140 | AccountInvalidPlatToken | invalid token diff platform |
2141 | InvalidAppid | diff appid token |
2142 | Same_Account | the same account |
2143 | AccountExists | the account exists |
2144 | AccountChangeReceiveEmailFail | change receive email field fail |
2145 | AccountSendSmsFail | send sms is fail |
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