10/22/2024 16:10:39

Development of the Exception Reporting Module

I. Plugin development instructions

The Exception Reporting module supports reporting the exception stack information when an exception or crash occurs in a game, so as to facilitate game developers to locate and resolve exceptions.

II. Client Plugin Development

2.1 Android Platform

2.1.1 Class implementation rules instructions

  • Package naming rule: fixed as com.tencent.gcloud.msdk.crash
  • Class naming rule: channel + Crash, such as: BuglyCrash
  • Must implement the CrashInterface interface
    • init function, used to initialize the Exception Reporting module
    • updateChannel function: MSDK will automatically call this interface when the user logs in or logs out the game. The channel can set the exception reporting data according to the currently logged-in user information.
    • logInfo function, used for user-defined log printing. Log information is first output to the local. The cached log information will be reported when an exception occurs.
    • setUserValue function, used to set the user data for exception reporting
    • reportException function, used to report user-defined exceptions

2.1.2 Description of the exception reporting callback

If the Exception Reporting module can give a game-related callback when an exception occurs and can dynamically increase additional information for game settings, it is needed to pay attention to the two interfaces provided by MSDK

  • MSDKCrash.attachmentMessageForException(), used to get the string information of the game settings
  • MSDKCrash.attachmentForException(), used to get the binary information of the game settings

The Exception Reporting module can call the two methods when an exception is called back and can append the data to the information to be reported

2.1.3 CrashInterface interface

  • init function

    The Exception Reporting module's initialization function. It is recommended to call the updateChannel method to set the channel information when the Exception module is initialized.

      public void init() {    
          // The channel's initialization logic    
          // Update the channel information    
  • updateChannel function

    The channel information updating function. MSDK will automatically call this interface when the user logs in or out the game. The channel can set the exception reporting data according to the current user's login information.

      public void updateChannel() {    
          // Get MSDK Openid    
          String openId = null;    
          MSDKLoginRet loginRet = MSDKLogin.getLoginRet();    
          if (loginRet != null && IT.isNonEmpty(loginRet.openID)) {    
              openId = loginRet.openID;    
          // Call the channel's user ID setting interface    
  • logInfo function

    The user-defined log print function, which is used to record some key business debugging information and can more fully reflect the context in which a crash or exception occurs to APP. The log information is reported when an exception occurs. And the log information will be output locally according to the currently set log level.

      public void logInfo(int level, String tag, String log) {    
          // The user-defined log printing logic of the channel    
  • setUserValue function

    Set the user-defined data for exception reporting. After being successfully set through this interface, the user-defined Key-Value data will be reported with exception information when Crash occurs.

      public void setUserValue(String key, String value) {    
          // The channel's user data setting logic    
  • reportException function

    The user-defined exception reporting function. The game can define some exceptions by itself and report these exceptions.

      public void reportException(int type, String exceptionName, String exceptionMsg, String exceptionStack, HashMap<String, String> extInfo) {    
          // The channel's user-defined exception reporting function    

[info] For details, please refer to Demo Code

2.2 iOS Platform

2.2.1 Class implementation rules instructions

  • Must implement the MSDKCrashDelegate interface
    • initCrashReport function, used to initialize the Exception Reporting module
    • [Optional] updateChannel function. MSDK will automatically call this interface when the user logs in or out the game. The channel can set the exception reporting data according to the current user's login information.
    • [Optional] reportLog function, used for printing the user-defined log. The log information is output locally at first, and the cached log information will be reported when an exception occurs.
    • [Optional] setUserData function, used to set the user data for exception reporting
    • [Optional] reportException function, used to report user-defined exceptions

2.2.2 Description of the exception reporting callback

Remarks about the callback function: If a plugin supports callback when Crash occurs, it cannotify the user through the synchronization method of the callback mode; and the user can set the data returned to the plugin for further processing. For the rules of the callback function, please refer to Client Channel Access Rules

  • observerID callback function ID
    • kMethodNameCrashExtraMessage triggers MSDKCrashObserver.OnCrashExtraMessageNotify callback. The user-defined string data set by the user can be obtained through ret.data
    • kMethodNameCrashExtraData triggers MSDKCrashObserver.OnCrashExtraDataNotify callback. The user-defined binary data set by the user can be obtained through ret.data
  • ret return struct
    • The return result is InnerCrashRet, which is used to receive the user-set data result
  • methodNameID Function ID defined by MSDK, used to define the callback method
    • kMethodNameCrashExtraMessage is a custom binary data method ID
      • kMethodNameCrashExtraData is a custom String data method ID

2.2.3 MSDKCrashDelegate interface

  • initCrashReport function

    The Exception Reporting module's initialization function. It is recommended to call the updateChannel method to set the channel information when the Exception module is initialized.

      - (void)initCrashReport {    
          // The channel's initialization logic    
          // Update the channel information    
  • updateChannel function

    The channel information updating function. MSDK will automatically call this interface when the user logs in or out the game. The channel can set the exception reporting data according to the current user's login information.

      - (void)updateChannel    
          MSDKLoginRet loginRet;    
          if (MSDKLogin::GetLoginRet(loginRet)) {    
              const char* openID =  loginRet.openID.c_str();    
              // The channel's user ID setting logic    
  • reportLog function

    The user-defined log print function, which is used to record some key business debugging information and can more fully reflect the context in which a crash or exception occurs to APP. The log information is reported when an exception occurs. And the log information will be output locally according to the currently set log level.

      - (void)reportLog:(int)level tag:(NSString *)tag log:(NSString *)log {    
          // The user-defined log printing logic of the channel    
  • setUserData function

    Set the user-defined data for exception reporting. After being successfully set through this interface, the user-defined Key-Value data will be reported with exception information when Crash occurs.

      - (void)setUserData:(NSString *)key value:(NSString *)value {    
          // The channel's user data setting logic    
  • reportException function

    The user-defined exception reporting function. The game can define some exceptions by itself and report these exceptions.

      - (void)reportException:(int)type exceptionName:(NSString *)exceptionName    
              exceptionMsg:(NSString *)exceptionMsg    
          exceptionStack:(NSString *)exceptionStack    
                  extInfo:(NSDictionary *)extInfo{    
          // The channel's exception reporting logic    

[info] For details, please refer to Demo Code

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