02/25/2025 15:42:55

I. Import plugins

Follow the instructions in the GCloudSDK documentation to import SDK into the project.

II. Configure the environment

Please refer to Environment Configuration documentation at first.

[info] If your project has accessed GCloudSDK, please refer to the GCloud documentation for the following file configuration operations for Android and iOS.

2.1 Android

In the 'androidManifestUpdates' node of the MSDK_UPL.xml file, add the required permission in every Channel Function .

The following Demo code is used to add QQ configuration:

    <log text="MSDK-UPL AndroidManifestUpdates begin" />              

    <!-- *************** MSDK configuration ************** -->            
    <addElements tag="application">            

        <!-- *************** QQ channel configuration ************** -->            
            android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" />            

                <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />            

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />            
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />            

                <data android:scheme="tencent1106977030" />            

    <log text="MSDK-UPL AndroidManifestUpdates finish" />             

In MSDK_UPL.xml, the following code is used for the lifecycle and initialization of MSDK Android.

<!-- Import classes in GameActivity.java -->            
import com.tencent.gcloud.msdk.api.MSDKPlatform;            
import com.tencent.gcloud.msdk.api.login.MSDKLoginRet;            
import com.tencent.gcloud.msdk.tools.IT;            
import com.tencent.gcloud.msdk.tools.MSDKLog;            
import com.tencent.gcloud.msdk.tools.json.JsonSerializable;            

  <!--onCreate adds code in GameActivity.java -->            

  <!-- onActivityResult adds code in GameActivity.java -->            

  <!--OnNewIntent adds code in GameActivity.java -->            

2.2 iOS

Add related configuration items in the following configuration file: "Project Settings - iOS - Extra Plist Data - Aditional Plist Data

Take WeChat as an example. WeChat needs to add the following content in Info.plist:


Copy the 'plist' content of each channel to the location as shown in the following diagram.

III. Access Functions

3.1 Register MSDK initialization callback (PIX version must handle this)

1) Function description

Receive the callback after MSDK initialization is completed. The game needs to register a callback function for processing. The game needs to wait for the callback to complete before it can start invoking the functional interfaces of other MSDK modules.

2) Interface declaration

class MSDK_EXPORT MSDKInitObserver
    // MSDK initialization callback
    virtual void OnInitCompleteNotify(const MSDKBaseRet &baseRet) {};

3) Demo code

MSDK::SetMSDKInitObserver(new MSDKDemoInitObserver());

class MSDKDemoInitObserver : public MSDKInitObserver
    //MSDK initialization completion callback
    void OnInitCompleteNotify(const MSDKBaseRet &baseRet) 
        if (baseRet.retCode == MSDKError::SUCCESS)
            MSDKPIX_LOG_ERROR("", "MSDK is initialized successfully. ");
            //MSDK interfaces can be invoked at this time
            MSDKPIX_LOG_ERROR("", "Failed to initialize MSDK.");

3.2 Function modules of MSDK

For the call of MSDK's functional modules, please refer to the call methods in Functional Modules documentation.

[info] Only Simulated Login is supported in the UnrealEngine Editor environment. If it is needed to access any other functional module, the module must be packaged into an APK or IPA file for debugging.

IV. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1.The game kills the process. Click QQ structured message or QQ Game Center to launch the game's (the account name is not real name) real name authentication page, and then click "Return to the Game", causing the game to black out.

  • On UnrealEngine, when Android Dialog is used to pop up the test environment reminder, the game may black out during the program switching process. This problem does not occur after the test environment switches to the formal environment.

2.UnrealEngine Android is compressed. MSDKCore crashes after MSDK starts. The details are as follows:

/system/bin/tombstoned: received crash request for pid 17132            
crash_dump32: performing dump of process 17132 (target tid = 17132)            
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***            
Build fingerprint: 'Xiaomi/chiron/chiron:8.0.0/OPR1.170623.027/V10.2.2.0.ODECNXM:user/release-keys'            
Revision: '0'            
ABI: 'arm'            
pid: 17132, tid: 17132, name: om.tencent.xxxx  >>> com.tencent.xxxx <<<            
signal 7 (SIGBUS), code 1 (BUS_ADRALN), fault addr 0x6f732e            
r0 00000020  r1 2f62696c  r2 00000015  r3 2f6d7261            
r4 5562696c  r5 c4e0bcb8  r6 00000020  r7 732e3445            
r8 c4da37bd  r9 6c50006f  sl d4c13124  fp 6e696775            
ip c4dfe06c  sp ffa62af8  lr c4bc63cf  pc 006f732e  cpsr 200e0010            

#00 pc 006f732e  <unknown>            
#01 pc 000b63cb  /data/app/com.tencent.xxxx-snxAMykZwlX4C7sfQvQjbw==/lib/arm/libMSDKCore.so (_ZNSt6__ndk112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE6__initEPKcj+46)
  • The cause of the problem is that the environment of UnrealEngine is not the same as that of Android C++. It is needed to guarantee the loading order of '.so' files, so that the internal functions can be executed normally.
  • The solution is, behind the following line of code in MSDKCore/Source/MSDKCore/MSDKCore_UPL.xml file,
<log text="MSDK-UPL MSDK.so loaded after libUE4.so" />

add the following code. The problem can be solved by this way.

 <loadLibrary name="MSDKCore" failmsg="MSDKCore libary not loaded! " />

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All rights reserved.

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