10/22/2024 16:10:39


I. QQ Platform's Return Codes

error code error description recommended solution
1 Not install QQ Please install QQ first
3 message type error Please confirm the parameters are correct
4 message content is empty Please confirm the parameters are correct
5 message content is illegal Please confirm the parameters are correct
6 App is not registered Please log into QQ Developer Center to register the game's App
10000 Qzone sharing doesn't support text sharing Please confirm that the function is used correctly
-1 The client's request parameters are invalid Please check if that the request parameters are correct
-2 appid in the request does not exist Confirm the accuracy of appid and appkey. In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-3 App in the client request has no permission to access API Confirm whether the appid has permission. If it do have the permission, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4 App ip in the request is not allowed In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-5 Signature verification fails Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-6 App in the client request exceeds the allowable maximal frequency of access to API Decrease the access frequency and check whether the request is normal. If this fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-7 The request protocol is illegal, eg "https" is written as "http" Confirm if the access protocol is correct. In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-8 The request is restricted, usually because the security audit fails to pass In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-9 API doesn't exist In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-10 App's intranet IP in the request is not allowed In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-11 App's extranet IP in the request is not allowed In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-12 In the test environment, the debugging number is limited Please use a number having permissions
-20 API in the client request has no authorization from the user Reauthorize
-21 access_token has been deprecated Reauthorize
-22 openid is illegal Confirm the accuracy of appid and openid. In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-23 openkey is illegal Reauthorize
-24 openid openkey verification failed Reauthorize
-25 The difference from the current system time is more than 10 minutes Confirm the consistency of appid, appkey and openkey. In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-26 Duplicate nonce Error occurs during openid conversion. Confirm the accuracy of appid and openid
-70 Login verification return shows that appid is illegal when verifying openkey Confirm the consistency of appid, appkey and openkey. In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-71 openid and openkey do not match Confirm the consistency of openid and openkey
-72 Appkey and appkey in permission tmem are inconsistent Confirm the accuracy of appid and appkey. In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-73 0x47 access token's changed password is invalid Reauthorize
100000 Missing or wrong response_type Please check request parameters
100001 Lack parameter client_id Please check request parameters
100002 Lack parameter client_secret Please check request parameters
100003 Lack Authorization in http head Please check request parameters
100004 Missing or wrong grant_type Please check request parameters
100005 Lack code parameter Please check request parameters
100006 Lack refresh token Please check request parameters
100007 Lack access token Please check request parameters
100008 The appid does not exist Confirm the accuracy of the appid. In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
100009 appkey (client_secret) is illegal Confirm the accuracy of appid and appkey. In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
100010 Callback address is illegal Callback address is illegal. For common reasons for this, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
100011 APP is not online In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
100012 Non-post mode In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
100013 access token is illegal Reauthorize
100014 access token is expired Reauthorize
100015 access token is revoked Reauthorize
100016 Access token verification failed for other reasons Reauthorize
220028 Exceed the frequency limit -
251001 The parameters are illegal Check if the parameters are correct according to the parameter list
251002 access token is illegal Reauthorize
251003 Fail to get the friend's openid The interface call has no permission. Please apply for permission
251004 Fail to get the friend's cache Feed this back to MSDK Assistant. Contact the QQ team to handle this
251005 Fail to update the friend's cache Feed this back to MSDK Assistant. Contact the QQ team to handle this
901203 The basic side limits the sending frequency: the same user sends up to 10 pieces a day and up to 40 pieces a week Change the account verification
901204 The basic side limits the receiving frequency: the same user can receive up to 5 pieces a day (receive up to 1 piece a day from the same user), and the same user can receive up to 20 pieces a week Change the account verification
901205 The basic side limits the frequency of interaction between both parties: users can interact with each other at most once a day Change the account verification
9001010 App/miniApp is not in the online status Contact qqconnecthelper for confirmation
225001 appid cannot be empty
225002 openid cannot be empty
225003 fopenid cannot be empty
225004 accesstoken cannot be empty
225005 extraJSON cannot be empty
225006 extraJSON does not meet the requirements See msg analysis
225007 Fail to check friend relationship
225008 Person who are not friends cannot send messages to each other
225009 appid+app+scene scene do not exist; there is no configuration or configuration does not take effect Oasis configuration takes about ten minutes to take effect; if it does not take effect beyond ten minutes, please contact GameAccessHelper
225010 Ark message group package failure Please contact GameAccessHelper

II. QQ Group Functions' Return Codes

Return code Error description Recommended handling method
221001 The union already has a binding group Change the group or the union
221002 Not bind any group Bind a group and then make this operation
221003 The group-binding return package error Contact QQ group's contact person svr to handle this
221004 Fail to get uin and tskey Check if the login status is correct
221005 The current user is not the group owner Check if the current user is the group owner
221006 Invalid openid Check if openid is valid
221007 The input parameters are incorrect Check the interface parameters, such as appid, guild_id, zone_id, gc, etc. Please refer to the interface parameter list
221008 There is no interface call permission Refer to the permission management rules to apply for a permission View Details
221009 The player is not a union member yet Check if the player's identity is a union member
221010 Reach the group-creating upper limit Contact QQ group's contact person svr to handle this
221011 The group-creating frequency is too high Contact QQ group's contact person svr to handle this
221012 The group has been deleted Contact QQ group's contact person svr to handle this
221013 The group platform has interface exceptions Contact QQ group's contact person svr to handle this
221014 Fail to read the storage Contact QQ group's contact person svr to handle this
221015 Fail to write data to the storage Contact QQ group's contact person svr to handle this
221016 Fail to send the public number message Contact QQ group's contact person svr to handle this
221017 Data reporting fails Contact QQ group's contact person svr to handle this
221018 Remind that binding groups is too frequent Reduce the access frequency of the group-binding interface
221019 The group has already bound other unions Replace the group or the union, and then bind the group with the union
221020 The group is a fee-charge group Replace the bound group with a fee-free group
221021 The group is not a game group Replace the bound group with a game group
-182001 Fail to request the group's backend cgi Contact the group platform's technicians to handle this
-182002 Fail to operate cmem Contact QQ group's contact person svr to handle this
-182003 Fail to create a group Contact the group platform's technicians to handle this
-182004 Fail to query groups Contact the group platform's technicians to handle this
-182005 Fail to switch openid to uin Contact the group platform's technicians to handle this
-182006 Fail to join a group Contact the group platform's technicians to handle this
-182007 Fail to query the group list Contact the group platform's technicians to handle this
-182008 Fail to query idip Contact QQ Group svr to handle this
-500003 ~ -500009 Fail to parse the data returned by the server Contact QQ group's contact person svr to handle this
-120000 The login status verification fails Check if the login status is valid

III. QQ Game Center's Return Codes

Return code Error description Recommended handling method
0 Success -
-4000 Fail to create a processing logic Retry again
-4001 Parameters are missing Check the accuracy of input parameters. In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4002 Parsing sid fails Retry again
-4003 Fail to write the little red dot timestamp Retry again
-4004 Parameters are missing Check the accuracy of input parameters. In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4005 The servlet service does not create a processing logic Retry again
-4006 Required parameters are missing Check the accuracy of input parameters. In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4007 Fail to draw the app friends Retry again
-4008 Fail to verify AccessToken Retry again
-4009 Exceed the frequency limit Decrease the frequency. In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4010 Fail to get UIN Confirm the accuracy of appid, openid and accessToken. The reason for this is mostly because accessToken has expired. accessToken has a valid period. In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4011 Fail to get openid Confirm the accuracy of appid and openid. In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4012 The time for reporting the achievement data has expired. Only data greater than the original data can be reported The expired timestamp is invalid
-4013 Fail to verify skey Reauthorize
-4014 There is no setting on how to verify user identity Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4015 No suitable uri is found Confirm the accuracy of appid and interface name. In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4016 Fail to verify request parameter sig Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4017 openid does not exist Confirm the accuracy of appid and openid. If there is any error, contact MSDK assistant to give feedback to Game Center development
-4018 Service exception Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4019 Fail to draw the achievement data Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4020 Fail to feeds Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4021 Fail to get personal information Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4022 Parameters are illegal Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4023 Fail to get feeds Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4024 There is not the recently played game Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4025 Fail to get the recently played game Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4026 The app is not configured in db Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4027 Fail to draw feeds Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4028 Parsing json fails Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4029 The member fails to report the information that the challenge begins Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4030 The game fails to report the information that the challenge begins Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4031 Timestamp is illegal. The start time must be less than the end time Expired timestamp is invalid
-4032 appid check fails Confirm the accuracy of appid. In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4033 There is no param field in URL or the field is illegal Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4034 There is no list field in json or the field is illegal Retry again. If the retry also fails, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4035 There is no "type" or no "data" field in Json, or the field is illegal ("data" cannot be left blank) Confirm the accuracy of the request parameter data. "data" cannot be left blank
-4036 uin check fails Confirm the accuracy of appid and openid. In case of failure, please contact MSDK Assistant to provide technical support
-4037 The "expires" field is invalid (it is an absolute expiration timestamp, such as 1398575082) Confirm the accuracy of the expiration time parameter

IV. Error codes uniformly returned by OIDB

When OIDB returns an error, you need to view ret in the error description and confirm the specific reason of the OIDB error according to the value of ret. For example: "msg": "oidb decode0x73a failed, ret: 17". At this time, find the corresponding reason in the table according to "ret: 17".

A. Error codes uniformly returned by OIDB

Hexadecimal Signed decimal Unsigned decimal Error description
0xff -1 255 There are two cases: 1. OIDB addressing failure; 2. The backend thinks that uin is a reserved number or exceeds the current maximum uin, that is, the uin from the business department is not generated
0xfe -2 254 The db where uin is located is in maintenance status and cannot provide services temporarily
0xfd -3 253 uin is the interactive number. This command does not allow any operation on the interactive number
0x9b -101 155 Failed to send data to the back-end server (usually IP/port configuration error)
0x9a -102 154 Indicate that the execution time of the command is too long or has timeout due to network
0x99 -103 153 The interface call has exceeded the applied frequency upper limit. Please apply for frequency adjustment in the form
0x98 -104 152 The test system is not accessed with a test number. Please add a test number here yourself http: //oidb.server.com/#serviceGroup.selfServiceMainPanel or apply for a test number at testuin.oa.com
0x97 -105 151 Login status verification failure
0x96 -106 150 The game has not applied for permission. Contrast here to view http: //km.oa.com/group/oidb/articles/show/133650
0x95 -107 149 uin blacklist restrictions
0x94 -108 148 ip blacklist restrictions
0x93 -109 147 The request packet is too large
0x92 -110 146 OPEN business has no permission. Please refer to http: //km.oa.com/group/oidb/articles/show/143284 to apply for Open access permission
0x91 -111 145 Unpack error
0x70 -144 112 Back-end system return packet: uin is frozen
0x71 -143 113 Back-end system return packet: employee account protection system number
0x73 -141 115 Back-end system return packet: advanced protection system number
0x71 -140 116 accesstoken is illegal. Check whether the incoming accesstoken is correct
0xc9 -55 201 Back-end system return packet: The group server is performing the operation & maintenance operation, and the machine is restricted to read-only
0xca -54 202 Back-end system return packet: receive an unknown type of packet
0xcb -53 203 Back-end system return packet: request packet field error. For example, the group number filled in is beyond the service range of the group server
0xcc -52 204 Back-end system return packet: the group is blocked by the security center
0xec -20 236 Fail to address the back-end server (usually the command word does not configure the addressing mode)
0xfb -5 251 Visit Type B user number
0xfc -4 252 Visit Type BC user number
0xcd -51 205 The test environment's access frequency exceeds the limit (please try again later)
0xc1 -63 193 The command is not configured (usually it is not configured as the ProtoBuf command)
0x5 5 5 The command is not configured (usually the command word is not configured to the OIDB backend. Please configure it yourself: http: //qq.server.com/oidb/addproto/)
0xfa -6 250 The test environment prohibits access to this command. Please apply for the formal environment's permission
0xf9 -7 249 The test environment has not configured the test subcontracting. This command is not allowed to transfer to the formal environment

B. Error codes returned by QQ login interface's PayToken verification (0x73a)

Hexadecimal Signed decimal Unsigned decimal Error description
0x0 0 0 success
0x10 16 16 pay token is invalid (the user cancels authorization or the token is reclaimed after expiration)
0x11 17 17 pay token has expired
0x12 18 18 pay token has been abolished (generating a new paytoken can result in the abolition of the old one)
0x13 19 19 appid does not match token
0x14 20 20 The length of openid is incorrect (the length should be 16, in binary buffer format)
0x15 21 21 openid is illegal
0x16 22 22 openid is reclaimed
0x17 23 23 Verification of openid returns other failures (it is needed to contact the person in charge to find the specific reason for this)
0x18 24 24 openid does not match token
0x1b 27 27 appid is illegal
0x5e 94 94 pay token is illegal (decryption failed)
0x65 101 101 token becomes invalid because the user changes password

c. Error codes returned by QQ login interface's accessToken verification (0x711)

Error code Error description
0x00: Success
0x01: Failure (the system's internal error)
0x10~0x11: Appid is illegal
0x12: Fail to read third-party information
0x13~0x14 The system's internal error
0x20 openid is illegal
0x21 openkey is illegal
0x22 openid and openkey do not match
0x23 openkey has expired
0x24~0x25 The system's internal error
0x26 Signature verification failure
0x27 openid is reclaimed
0x2a Fail to read udc (reclaiming of openid or other reasons for failure)
0x2e openid is illegal (Kaixin id)
0x32~0x36 openid is illegal (returned by business type 127)
0x37~0x38 openid is reclaimed (returned by business type 127)
0x40 access token is invalid
0x41 access token has expired
0x42 access token has been abolished
0x43 access token freezing failed ((1) this is caused by the user's cancellation of authorization; (2) the user's act of changing the password or closing the account has caused token to be abandoned)
0x44 access token verification failed (if this appears, please check whether appid and access token correspond to each other)
0x45 access token does not match openid
0x46 The length of session key is incorrect
0x47 access token becomes invalid due to password change or account closure
0x4a access token is illegal, resulting in failure in decoding (not QQ access token)
0x4b When oin is read, it does not exist (usually caused by the number being recycled or frozen)
0x4c When u2o relationship is read, it does not exist (usually caused by the number being recycled or frozen)
0x53 openid is reclaimed
0x54 Error in the number of converted openid (returned by business type 23)
0x55 The converted openid is illegal (returned by business type 23)
0x56 The number of openid requesting to be converted exceeds the upper limit (500)
0x58 Invalid appid (the request data is inconsistent with the backend data)
0x60 openid is not filled in
0x61 openkey is not filled in
0x62 Illegal business type
0x63 appid is not filled in

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