02/25/2025 15:42:56
Personal Information
I. User Info
1.1 Interface Name
1.2 Request parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
openid | string | [Required] openid |
token | string | [Required] access_token |
1.3 Return Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
ret | int | Return code, success-0, failure-other |
msg | string | The detailed description of the return result |
user_name | string | user nickname |
gender | int | Gender, undefined-0, male-1, female-2 WeChat and QQ channels always return 0 |
picture_url | string | avatar URL address |
channel_info | string | the channel's special return information; for details about it, please refer to the following parameter description ** |
a) QQ Channel Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
yellow_vip | int | Is the user a yellow diamond user? 0 indicates no |
yellow_vip_level | int | Yellow diamond level |
yellow_year_vip | int | Is the user an annually paid yellow diamond user? 0 indicates no |
is_lost | int | when is_lost is 1, it indicates that the gotten data is downgraded. At this time, if the business layer caches the data, it can use the cached data at first; otherwise, use the current data. In addition, when is_lost is 0, it means not to cache the data |
b) WeChat Channel Parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
province | string | province |
city | string | city |
country | string | country |
unionid | string | the user's unified identifier |
privilege | array | the user's privilege information list |
language | string | language (may be is empty) |
gps_city | string | cities gotten via GPS |
If the game needs to modify the size of the QQ player's avatar, be careful not to change the original link field splicing structure
The following is the personal avatar return link style of the player on the QQ platform. It is used as a reference for game developers. What is finally returned by the platform shall prevail
- Normal identity:http://thirdqq.qlogo.cn/g?b=oidb&k=6AJZXGDES1gHgiaK9kbIJlA&s=100&t=1466475684
- Virtual account identity:http://thirdqq.qlogo.cn/qqopen/ZdvYp9s7k6o0mHZMOqNJ3Na28broRWwlTZtH7ZzuYrIibicBOy2ZNXMDlBricO1hh6G/100?v=ac9c
- The default value returned by the platform in case of exception:https://q.qlogo.cn/qqapp/1106977030/9C38601899722D920F157C8B510F3E36/100
What is a virtual account? Please click "View"
1.4 Request example
- Request
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://hktest.itop.qq.com/v2/profile/userinfo?channelid=2&conn=&gameid=12&os=1&seq=&source=0&ts=1611711971&version=&sig=aae0c59b0b30042825c1cb69e6088809' -d '{"openid":"15879468368890148661","token":"935C4F643BC40AC88095429B1F063E07"}'
- Response
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