10/22/2024 16:10:39

Problem description

Judge Universal Link launch verification: see the solution for details

Cause of the problem


The verification operation must meet the following prerequisites:

(1) QQ platform requires iOS system version to be iOS 13 and above, and WeChat platform requires iOS system version to be iOS 12 and above;

(2) Verify that the WeChat version installed on the mobile phone reaches 7.0.8 and above;

(3) Verify that QQ version installed on mobile phone reaches 8.1.3 and above;

(4) Verify that the mobile phone has installed the corresponding certificate application of TeamIdentifier filled in the apple-app-site-association file;

Verification operation:

(1) (MSDK V3) [WeChat &QQ] Judge the value of the isUniversalLink variable by grabbing logs under the test environment of MSDK;

If the value is 1, it means to launch WeChat &QQ through Universal Link; if the value is 0, it means to launch WeChat &QQ through Scheme.

(2) (MSDK V3&V5) [WeChat &QQ] Enter the configured Universal Link path in safari, for example:

WeChat: https://docs.itop.qq.com/app/*

QQ: https://docs.itop.qq.com/qq_conn/ QQAppID/*

  • stands for any character.

After it is opened, the drop-down will show a button which can open the app. This represents success.

(3) (MSDK V5) [WeChat] By grabbing the log under the test environment of MSDK,

check whether call [WXApi handleOpenUniversalLink: delegate] exists in the log. If it exists, WeChat is launched through Universal Link;

it does not exist, WeChat is launched is through Scheme

(4) (MSDK V5) [QQ] By grabbing the log under the test environment of MSDK,

check whether [MSDKQQHelper sharedInstance] HandleUniversalLink: the universal link address of app exists in the log;

if it exists, QQ is launched through Universal Link; if it does not exist, QQ is launched is through Scheme

(5) (MSDK V3&V5) [QQ] perform the verify checksum in the application management page of the QQ interconnection side: QQ Interconnection Official Documentation.

(6) (MSDK V3&V5)[WeChat] WeChat Official Universal Link Access Success Verification Guide: WeChat Official Documentation.

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