10/22/2024 16:10:39


In view of the release of Apple iOS 13, the compatibility of MSDK V 5.7 plugins with iOS13 is summarized below for reference:

Channel Status quo Remarks
MSDK itself Support iOS13
WeChat Support iOS13
QQ Support iOS13
Facebook Support iOS13
Google Support iOS13 The official requires compilation with Xcode11 and above
Twitter Support iOS13 SDK is no longer officially maintained. MSDK makes some changes in adaptability and compatibility on this basis
Garena Support iOS13
Line Support iOS13 Involved with the mixed compilation with Objective-C and Swift
XG Support iOS13
Firebase Support iOS13 The official requires compilation with Xcode10.1 and above
Adjust Support iOS13
Appsflyer Support iOS13
Beacon Support iOS13
Bugly Support iOS13

As for the relationship of the above plugin versions, please refer to MSDK Version Relationship Table. MSDK will continue to track the compatibility situation of each plugin SDK in iOS13 and update it in time, so stay tuned.

Copyright © 2024 MSDK.
All rights reserved.

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