10/22/2024 16:10:39


I. Success

Category Error code Description
normal 0 success
normal 1 The query result is empty

II. Request parameter related errors(1000~1099)

Error code Description
1000 Illegal cgi
1001 Illegal cmd
1002 Missing parameters, see msg for details View Details
1003 Http body is empty
1004 Http body format is illegal
1005 Http body missing parameter
1006 gameid illegal
1007 channelid illegal
1008 Signature verification failed
1009 Invalid internal parameters of body

III. Internal error related error(1100~1199)

Error code Description
1100 L5 failed to get ip
1101 Failed to get ip from domain name
1102 Packaging failed
1103 Signature calculation failed
1104 Background configuration error View Details

IV. Errors related to third-party account platforms (WeChat, Mobile QQ, etc.)(1200~1299)

Error code Description
1200 No packet returned after timeout
1201 Connection failed
1202 Http code is not 200
1203 Account platform http return package body is empty
1204 Account platform related errors
1205 Login status verification failed
1206 The response body is invalid
1233 a.Editor simulated login: the simulated login permission is not enabled on the Flying Eagle system;
b. Real machine login: The client and server environments are inconsistent or the parameters in the authentication request URL are incorrect (gameID or openID, etc.).
1270 The player has not been authorized "Get friend relationship"

V. Tredis storage related errors(1300~1399)

Error code Description
1300 No packet returned after timeout
1301 Auth failed
1302 Connection failed
1303 Error return

VI. Unified account platform related errors(1400~1499)

Error code Description
1400 No packet returned after timeout
1401 The account platform returns an error
1402 Connection failed

VII. MSDK login status errors

Error code Description
11002 token in the request is illegal/non-existent
11003 token in the request has expired

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All rights reserved.

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