10/22/2024 16:10:39

Open Platform Access Guide

I. Channel Application

1.1 Enter the open platform's channel management

On the page of Feiying System, click SDK Parameters in the created game, and click Configure MSDK_V5 Channel at the MSDK_GAME_ID option location to enter the open platform channel management

1.2 Add channels

On the Add Login Channels page, clickAdd Channels

1.3 Configure channel information and backend interface

On the Create Channel page, add the independently accessed channel's information (including channel name, abbreviated English name, as well as app_id and app_key provided by the independently accessed channel to the game), and configure the backend interface address according to different modules

II. The Client's Channel Access

As for the development of the client's independent access to channels, please refer to the development documentation of the client's channel access rules and functional modules

The Client's Channel Access Rules
Functional Module Development

III. The Server's Channel Access

As for the development of the server's independent access to channels, please refer to the development documentation of the server's channel access rules and functional modules

The Server's Channel Access Rules
Functional Module Development

IV. Joint Debugging of Interfaces

After the channel access development work of the client and the server is completed, you can contact 'MSDK Assistant' via your corporate WeChat. MSDK will assist game teams to solve the problems existing in their development work and give technical support to them.

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