Use Instructions Of The Documentation
Contact persons of common components
0. MSDK Introduction
Download SDK
1. Access Guide
Unity Access Guide
UE4 Access Guide
Native Android Access Guide
Native iOS Access Guide
PC Access Guide
Configure MSDK Environment
2. Function Module
Login Module
Friend Module
Share Module
Group Module
Notice Module
Push Module
Event Reporting Module
Exception Reporting Module
WebView Module
LBS Module
Tools Module
Extend Module
3. Channel Function
WeChat (1)
QQ (2)
Guest (3)
Facebook (4)
GameCenter (5)
Google (6)
4. Backend
Login Authentication
Personal Information
Friend RelationShip
Query VIP Information
Account Exchange
Query Binding Relations
Cancelling the channel's authorization
5. Open
Other functional feature development
Account inconsistency and third-party channel parameter transparent transmission functions
6. FAQs
Release Note
Summary Table For The Compatibility Of MSDK Plugins With iOS13
MSDK integrates SDK's minimum supported version
MSDK V5-V3 interface comparison table
Android Target API 31 Upgrade Guide
How to judge whether the accessed MSDK is MSDKV5 or MSDKV3?
Version Upgrade Guide
View MSDK Version Number
QQ HD Version Stops Update And Maintenance
Precautions About Upgrading MSDK5.7 Version
SDK Version Relation Description Table
Environment Configuration
iOS Permission List
Android Permission List
Description of EXTERNAL_STORAGE related permissions in MSDKCore
Visibility adaptation for Android Target 30 and above - App package name reference
Guidelines on Access to Universal Link Authorized Login
Some QQ iOS 16 models occasionally have no callback after completing authorization and returning to the game
Universal Link question self-check recommendation process
FAQ about how to configure Universal Link in MSDK as well as the method for verifying it
Simulated Login in the Editor Environment
The startup Activity is not the main Activity, and the wakeup callback cannot be triggered when the game is launched from a third party
The login behaviors of various channels are summarized after the device time is modified
What methods are there to quickly expire WeChat authorization?
Android Signature Extraction Method
Permissions can be passed in when Facebook is logged in. Users can inversely choose these permissions. However, when you log in Facebook again, you cannot reversely select them
Android QQ login error 100044
iOS WeChat login prompts "WeChat login failed. You cannot use WeChat login because the BundleID information verification failed", as shown in the following diagram
If QQ login fails, the system will prompt "To log in App with one click, please install the latest mobile phone version of QQ"
Android 9.0 has login failure and the error like "Cleartext traffic not permitted" appears
Android 9.0 crashes during login
Android 8.0 crashes when the screen is rotated
Summary of FAQ about Apple login
V3 to V5 Acceptance Checklist
After launching the Twitter client authorization page, wait for more than ten seconds and then click authorization. After returning to the game, launch the Twitter web login page
When a player not authenticated with a real name logs in the game, MSDK does not pop up the real name authentication page
The move to launch the game login from WeChat fails
Login authentication or sharing error 1105
iOS QQ login fails and SDK prompts the configuration error
What is a virtual account
Judge Universal Link launch verification: see the solution for details
When I log into the game, the system returns "retcode:20,retMsg: Need real name auth"
Login returns Error 1104: "Config error, it could be invalid gameid"
When QQ and WeChat clients have been installed, Android 11 prompts that they not installed
After logging into WeChat and using Midas' QQ Pay, the accessing party needs to deal with permission issues
Launching the WeChat relationship returns "48001, api unauthorized"
The Android Q system does not have SD card permission
After sharing is completed, a click on "Stay in QQ or WeChat" and "Return to 'the Game'" buttons can return different callbacks
The two players are friends with each other. One of them cannot get the other's information. How to locate the problem?
After the sharing is successful, App prompts "Return to xxx or stay in WeChat (QQ)", where xxx is where the data is read
QQ Share prompts that any app which is not properly authorized or is unofficial cannot share messages to QQ
WeChat Share prompts that BundleID information fails to pass verification and cannot be shared to WeChat
WeChat fails to share messages but returns a "Success" callback
The message shared by QQ back-end share interface can be received normally, but the title, summary and thumbnail are inconsistent with the uploaded parameters
When Android fails to send a large image, an error "Failed to find configured root" will be reported
QQ ARK sharing prompts "App display failure"
Universal Link's strong check
Error Codes
Error Code Description
SDK Error code
Backend Error code
QQ channel's error code description
Description of WeChat channel's return codes
Kwai channel error code description
Self-built account (Email Phone) channel error code description
Network Library CURL's Error Codes
Event Reporting
The startup of Beacon pops up Qimei-related Toast
FAQ about access to TDM channel
LBS location authorization popup window on iOS flickers
Account Inconsistency
"Choose to switch account inconsistency" occasionally has no login callback
The function of launching the game via the link in QQ fails occassionally, thus triggering account inconsistency
When the interface is called to determine whether the app is installed (IsAppInstalled), the returned result is inaccurate
How to access the Feiying System through the extranet
The request backend interface error: "1008 invalid sig!"
Requesting the backend interface leads to error 1002 "less parm! missing params: xxx"
Explain and describe some questions about querying openid through the business reception platform
Games which want to access the IDC machine in the devnet environment need to apply for an access policy
After ATT is removed, APP will be rejected in the audit for including NSUserTrackingUsageDescription
TPNS has the behavior of launching other apps (chain wakeup)
Firebase Push receives no push message
Xiaomi manufacturer channel frequently obtains the device information
Fail to register TPNS, and return Error code 10001
When your app calls group-joining and group-binding interfaces, a "221008" error code is returned
When a new WeChat account requests to create a group bound to it, a "2011" error code is returned, which means that the WeChat group already exists
Android pulls up the webview without response or crashes, and the log has the words RecyclerView
Common problems related to WebView JS as well as troubleshooting process
When a webpage is opened in iOS, an empty screen appears
How to distinguish the embedded webview and the built-in webview?
After the webpage is opened, the "Return" and "Close" buttons are not displayed and the toolbar cannot be found
MSDK's built-in browser cannot skip to OPPO system browser
How to carry the login status when opening the webpage?
TBS4.3.0.93_43993 internal policy optimization
Startup background display problem caused by the front plugin
FAQ about access to IDFA
UnrealEngine supports Swift and Objective-C mixed compilation configuration on iOS platform
[Unity][Android] How to turn off the behavior of APP applying for sensitive permissions once it is started
Get MSDK's logs
Email and mobile phone access configuration guide
Exception Report
There is no XXX product information in "Bugly Console My Product"
There is no reported "XXX" information in the attachment information in "Bugly Console My Product"
Frequency limit is returned when notices are gotten
The notice data issued by Feiying system is not drawn
Published with GitBook
02/25/2025 15:42:56
TPNS has the behavior of launching other apps (chain wakeup)
Firebase Push receives no push message
Xiaomi manufacturer channel frequently obtains the device information
Fail to register TPNS, and return Error code 10001
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